The pandemic has prevented most people from traveling for two years. So, there is no more time to waste! People love traveling and are eager to travel and check some boxes on their bucket lists. They don’t want to postpone their vacation or wait for friends and family to travel; they are traveling alone and on their own terms.
What can you do to attract solo travelers to your hotel?
It is likely that you are receiving some bookings from solo travelers. However, just a few bookings won’t make a difference. In order to get them to choose you, you have to be among the top choices. How do you do it?
Here are our top five tips for attracting solo travelers:
1. Organize community events-
Social gatherings are an ongoing trend among travelers traveling alone. You may have noticed that many hostels and B&Bs are starting this as part of their guest retention efforts.
For entertainment, many properties organize foosball matches, Pictionary, and musical chairs.
You can use these gatherings to attract solo travelers to your business. Share photos of these events to promote them on your social media pages.

2. Ensure that the rates are competitive-
Budgets are a concern for solo travelers. Mostly because they want to enjoy the trip without breaking the bank. Having an option for such guests is essential for hoteliers. You won’t be included in low-budget travelers’ search results if your room rates are high, even for single occupancy or dorms.
It’s actually quite simple if you think about it. The only thing you need to do is dedicate some small or single-occupancy rooms to solo travelers at a competitive price.
3. Provide detailed information about your property-
The solo travelers will compare property details after shortlisting a couple of options based on their budget. By visiting the hotel’s website for amenities and checking OTA reviews, they will build trust.
Hence, before taking any action, you should invest in creating a brand website and collecting customer reviews. Describe all the facilities and specialties of your property on the website. You can include anything from a swimming pool to a city or town fact sheet.
4. Make connections with local activity providers-
Solo travelers invest more in experiences than anything else. It is likely that they will visit your city or town in order to enjoy the recommended activities. An example would be boating, scuba diving, parasailing, jet-skiing, and other water activities if you have a property on the seaside.
You can be their choice for such activities as solo travelers connect with local providers. The only thing you need to do is partner with some local vendors who conduct such activities.
5. Invest in the marketing and promotion of your hotel-
To generate business from around the world, the whole travel and hospitality industry has to rely on marketing. Instead of investing heavily in PPC campaigns, you can try influencer marketing or reach out to travel bloggers.
Use social media platforms to find out who is the best travel blogger in your area. You can choose who you want just by checking out their reach!
The results? Several leads can be generated from your blog as a result of gaining visibility across the web among the blogger community.
Solo travel is a hot topic among millennials. This segment has opened up opportunities for small homestays and hotels.
So, are you geared up to draw solo guests in your property?
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