Human Resource Management System
Manage all your assets from procurement to disposal becomes
People in the hospitality industry are the most important asset; managing them efficiently assures evolution of the entire organization. You take care of them and they shall take care of your business.

Features at a glance
Enhancing the experience of the end user & management together.

Multi User Accessibility

Collateral Communication

Key Responsibility Area Management

Mobile Accessibility

Performance Analytics

Employee Data Management

Daily Activity Tracking

Analysed Workflow

- Recruitment Requisites
- Appraisals & Advancement
- Attendance & Leave Management
- Payroll & Expenses
- Customised Reports
Recruitment Requisites
Determining the accurate fit for a position instantly is a complicated task that most people in HR face; bank of recruitment requisites allows them to refer to at the need of the hour.
Appraisals & Advancement
Timely appraisal management and associated advancement is a requisite of each employee. Fulfilling this is of enormous importance to ensure there is an optimistic culture across the organization.
Attendance & Leave Management
Atomization with certified Bio-Metric system allows seamless filling of attendance ensuring no flaw in generating the needful, will spare a lot of time and effort of the HR department.
Payroll & Expenses
Integrated with certified Bio-Metric system generating payroll on the basis of seamlessly filled in attendance and leave is of great convenience. Loans and advances management allows thorough check and balance of expenses.
Customised Reports
Designed reports established as per requirement will be of assistance towards efficiently managing the entire troupe and assuring appropriate access and evolution.

Responsive characteristics that may leave you awestruck; one of the best in the industry.

NUMERAH Solutions
Seamlessly connect with all the department with our varied applications