COVID-19 has changed the way we do most things, from shopping and travelling on public transport to the regular need to wash our hands. Hospitality is no different, In a post pandemic environment, hospitality industry trends are bound to evolve.
In this blog we will explore the hospitality trends and how hotels are adapting it.
Reducing Human Contact
A big hospitality industry trend is the technology that allows for many contactless activities.
Nowadays guests will want as little physical contact as possible, here technology comes into play. As we have a whole range of Tech available. 😀
For Example:-
• Digital Menu Systems
• Virtual Tv Remote Control
• Contactless Check-in/Check-out
• In Room Ordering
• Cashless Payments
• Digital Signage
Enhancing Cleaning With Technology
The cleaning of hotel rooms, meeting places, restaurants & public areas will always be a priority, it’s something hotels won’t be able to skimp on.
Some hotels were already using technology which helps in cleaning. At Denmark’s Hotel Ottilia in Copenhagen, guests stays in room that disinfects itself every morning without the need of any housekeeper. The technology they use is Cleancoat. It is a type of coating which breaks down bacteria, spores & viruses. It also purifies and deodorizes the air upto a year.
Technology will also improve the operational capabilities in post pandemic world, by reducing the need of human control in cleaning process. Certain technologies like robotic vacuum cleaner, UV lights work area will help to mitigate COVID-19 risks.

Virtual events will be the new norm

Events are the integral part of any business, be it conference meeting, business networking, knowledge sharing sessions and many such objectives are achieved through events. This is where virtual events are helping by making it accessible to people beyond their travel & safety limitations and offering high scalability.
Hybrid event could also become the norm
When we merge an in-person and virtual event it makes a hybrid event. This is where attendees are both there physically and virtually. Hybrid events allows virtual attendees to engage with speakers and network. There must be an interactive interaction.
New Technology learnings for staff

Nowadays, it is difficult to maintain the guest relationship without proper knowledge of the technology. Technology is constantly evolving. Therefore, it is necessary for the hotel and hotel staff to to be in line with these hotel industry trends.
With new technology learnings, it’ll get easy for the hotel staff to interact with the guests, attend to their requests, and provide a more personalized guest experience with the help of technology.
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